Legal Expertise Getting You The Compensation You Deserve
Serious injuries can be a trying time in anyone’s life. At DiBlasi Law, we will deal with the insurance companies, medical providers, and attorneys so that you can focus on getting better. We have tried, arbitrated, mediated, and settled cases for all types of accidents and injuries, including:
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Pedestrian Accidents
- Slip and Fall Accidents
- Dog Bites
- Defective Products
- Premises Liability
Personal Injury Case Examples
(*name changed)
In 2018, five-year-old Sarah* was frighteningly injured after enduring a traumatizing event at her friend’s birthday party. The party was hosted in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Smith*, who created an elaborate entertainment room that resembled a hotel, in the sense that it was fully equipped with a pool, hot tub, multiple TVs, and a cafe area. The hot tub, however, was poorly installed by Mr. Smith himself, which led to it being a safety hazard. After Sarah entered the hot tub, her mother noticed that she was taking a long time to resurface. This is when she looked into the water and saw Sarah’s arm caught in the uncovered suction drain of the hot tub. The suction was so strong that it required the assistance of four other parents at the party to help release Sarah. When she came out of the water, she had purple skin, blue lips, and was not breathing. Only after receiving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest compressions, Sarah regained consciousness.
Nevertheless, Sarah’s arm was swollen and covered with bruises and several lesions. She also had abrasions and contusions on her face, chest, and the back of her head due to the CPR she was given. When she was brought into the hospital, her oxygen supply at the tissue-level was incredibly low. The medical bills were significant, and she suffered from numerous night terrors after the incident. Additionally, PTSD is also a concern for Sarah as she might carry this trauma with her for the rest of her life. Not only this, but her mother was also deeply affected by the event as she turned down all invitations for gatherings after this event and became hyper-fixated on her daughter’s safety.
The parents of Sarah contacted Attorney DiBlasi to assist them in pursuing their options on behalf of their daughter. Attorney DiBlasi first researched the regulations for hot tubs at the local, state, and federal level, and discovered that the hot tub was in violation due to not having a proper drain cover in place. He then hired an expert witness and utilized a discovery technique that allowed himself, the parents, the expert, and a photographer to go onto the property and more closely examine the hot tub. The professional photographer physically got into the hot tub and took pictures of it inside, especially of the drain that was left uncovered.
Attorney DiBlasi then discovered that Mr. Smith did not have permission to construct the hot tub in the first place as he lacked the necessary building and electrical permits required by his town. Mr. Smith’ s attorney attempted to rebut by arguing that the cover for the suction drain was initially attached but then fell off; however, Attorney DiBlasi was able to prove this was false after demonstrating the mechanics of how the cover would have been affixed. When it was apparent that the insurance company for the homeowners was underrating the claim, Attorney DiBlasi filed suit in Superior Court. The suit was filed against the Smiths for negligence, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and loss of consortium.
Attorney DiBlasi was able to utilize professional mediation to resolve the case, which alleviated having to have the family relive their painful experience through testimony. Ultimately, through professional mediation, he was able to negotiate a settlement for $90,000 dollars, which has been invested for Sarah’s future college expenses. Sarah luckily is doing well and while the memory of the event still haunts her, she has no physical injuries that remain.
(*name changed)
In 2011, Mary* was in a very severe car accident. She was riding in the passenger seat of a vehicle owned by a family friend and driven by her husband. It was late at night as their car was traveling around a bend on a winding road when a truck came from the opposite direction. One or both of the cars was over the road’s center line, and there was a violent collision. Mary was immediately taken to the hospital with severe injuries, including head trauma, a bruised heart, and other serious internal injuries and listed in critical condition. She had internal bleeding and X-rays revealed multiple broken ribs on both sides. She had to undergo several procedures.
After one such procedure, she did not wake up from the sedation. A brain scan showed that she had suffered a stroke. She woke up two days later but was unable to move or talk. She remained in the hospital on a feeding tube and began occupational and physical therapy. It was nearly a month before Mary could speak again, and then only in single words. Eventually she was able to move back home and continued to receive care from visiting nurses and therapists. However, her speech remained limited and once she was able to walk again, she had a pronounced limp.
Mary’s son came to Attorney DiBlasi shortly after the accident, both for his assistance in getting Mary’s expensive medical bills paid for as well as negotiating a settlement that would compensate Mary for her extremely serious and debilitating injuries. Attorney DiBlasi notified the several insurance companies involved of his representation, and began the complex process of ascertaining available insurance policies and coordinating benefits. A large umbrella policy was also discovered.
The insurance companies fought having to pay benefits. The insurance company for the truck contended that its insured was not at fault. Attorney DiBlasi produced the accident reconstruction results which revealed that the truck driver clearly was at least partially to blame for the accident. The insurance company for the vehicle Mary was in, in addition, attempted to argue that Mary’s stroke was not related to the accident, but were caused by the hospital. Attorney DiBlasi retained a national-renown neurologist and expert on aphasia who examined and tested Mary and confirmed that her injuries were caused by the car accident and were likely permanent. A vocational expert was retained to quantify the extent of Mary’s financial and economic losses as a result of her injuries. In the end, Attorney DiBlasi was able to negotiate a resolution with all insurance companies for a global settlement for more than $2,000,000, all without the need for Mary to have to go through a court trial. No amount of money will ever be able to put Mary back where she was before the accident, but Attorney DiBlasi was able to help her and her family deal with the unfortunate event and gain some peace of mind for the future.
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