A Traditional Liability Insurance Defense Practice
Commercial or residential, you will be enthusiastically represented from beginning to end. As the purchase or sale of real estate is often a daunting and stressful transaction, we take pride in our “soup to nuts” approach to counseling and guiding our real estate clients.
- Representation of Home Purchasers
- Representation of Home Sellers
- Litigation
- Lender Representation
- Drafting of Documents (i.e. homesteads, mortgages, nominee trusts)
- Condominium Law
Real Estate Law Case Examples
Attorney DiBlasi successfully represented a corporate seller of a commercial property containing 22,335 square feet for $840,000.
Attorney DiBlasi successfully represented a trustee of a trust in the sale of more than three acres of commercial property for $1,850,000.
Attorney DiBlasi successfully represented the seller of a commercial property at a sales price of $2,300,000.
Attorney DiBlasi successfully represented the buyer of a multi-story brick office building on 1.3 acres of land at a sales price of $3,438,000.
Request a Free Consultation
We are anxious to assist you and happy to offer a FREE consultation and case review to discuss your real estate matters.